Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

Secret Internet Success : Drive Traffic with Internet Marketing

Today's internet marketing environtment, driving massive traffic to your web site critical to your success online. No matter how well your web site convert, and no matter how strong of a backend you have, if you are not driving strong levels of traffic, you are not able to be able to make as much money online as if you had 10 or 20 or 100 times the traffic you do right now.

One of the big problems online today with targeted traffic is that the consumers, the survers, are getting more and more savvy-which id fine for them-and actually good for you, once you learn how easy it is to develop targeted traffic with articles online.

You see when you run advertising, or buy advertising, or when you buy PPC traffic, you are getting an unqualified visitor. Sure, it is better than a general visitor-but when someone has read a 3-line ad about you in a sponsored search listing, do they really have any idea what they are going to find when they get to your web site? they go to your site, find it is not what they are looking for, hit the back button on their web browser-you have been charged $1or whatever-and they still haven't found what they wanted.

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